Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Farrah Abraham and Gary Shirley feud on Twitter during ‘Teen Mom’ series finale

Farrah Abraham and Gary Shirley feud on Twitter during ‘Teen Mom’ series finale 

'Teen Mom' stars Farrah Abraham and Gary Shirley feud on Twitter.

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Teen Mom’ stars Farrah Abraham and Gary Shirley got into a heated Twitter feud on Tuesday during the series finale of the hit MTV show, Teen Mom News reported on August 28.
Most of the cast were sharing their thoughts via Twitter, and Farrah held nothing back. After a scene where Gary and his ex-girlfriend, Amber Portwood, fought on the phone over custody of their daughter, Leah, Abraham revealed her opinion on Gary’s behavior and harsh words.
“What a pig! Your horrible go get mental help for Amber’s sake,” she wrote. Of course, Gary didn’t take kindly to the comment. He responded, “Go make another hit single or treat your parents like sh–. [I] always stuck up for you not anymore.”
Unfortunately, the war of words did not end there. “To be honest Gary is so negative and I don’t see how he is better to raise Leah than Amber, get the point Gary! Learn to focus on Leah,” Farrah Abraham added while watching the “Teen Mom” series finale.
Gary Shirley, feeling attacked, said, “Seriously Farrah. I don’t care for you one bit. Your cry face sucks and so do your cookies. Unless you change your going die lonely.”
What are your thoughts on Farrah Abraham and Gary Shirley’s Twitter war during the “Teen Mom” series finale?

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